Sunday, June 07, 2009

An afternoon in the sun

We headed out to the park this afternoon with the bikes, some food and a bit of light reading

A great playground for the kidlets

Plenty of room for riding

These monkey bars were the perfect height
for little legs

The girls spent an hour on this horrible spinny thing!
Honestly I hate these things.

A stroll past the lake ...

... to watch the boats

Ruby gets glasses too!

Yes! It's official ~ this is the glasses family! All the girls now wear them. It's such a strong genetic condition that affects females on Phil's side of the family. He is the only male - well he is a bit of a girl ha ha! He doesn't wear specs, but had numerous operations on his eyes growing up.

So Ruby got hers on Friday - aged 4yrs 5mths. She is in Kindy. Amie was also in Kindy when she got hers at 4yrs 8mths. Kate got hers in Year One at 5yrs 9mths, and Ella got hers in Pre Primary at 5yrs 7mths.

Luckily the girls love their second eyes and have no trouble being reminded to wear them or keep them on. They do get bent out of shape a bit though :)

Anyone else out there with a family full of bad eyesight?
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